CategoryTips & Tactics | The Consummate Outdoorsman, Gary Lewis, Shares His Insights
Safari Post 4: Living on the Edge
There are a lot of reasons to take a knife. One hunter said he only used a blade at the dinner table. Another used a knife and his fire starter to build a fire when his PH and trackers left him alone with the carcass of a buffalo. In the dark of that night, he […]
Safari Post 2: Knives in Checked Luggage
When taking knives on safari, the biggest danger to the collection is in transit from airport to airport. Knives, of course, are not allowed in carry-on bags in the passenger compartment. Instead, they should be stored away in a suitcase or in a duffel bag with a lock. The best bet is to lock knives […]
Planning Your First Safari
This is first of several blog posts where Gary shares his recent 9-day African Safari. He shares helpful tips; his adventures; and a little humor for all. We were set to board the plane for South Africa and a fellow came up to us. “Hey, I noticed you guys are all dressed up like you’re […]
A Challenge Doesn’t Stop Some Oregon Hunters
“He’s the third one from the left,” I said, without pulling away from the spotting scope. Almost a quarter mile away, a herd of deer grazed on the edge of the field. Behind them stood a partially-constructed eight-foot field fence. Behind the fence rose a hill, crested by rimrock and dotted with juniper trees.
Hunting with a Mountain Bike
When I began to go along on hunting trips with my Dad and later with an uncle and cousin, we drove any road we wanted to, parked where we wished and hiked from there. That was then and quite frankly we saw less game in those days. Forest road closures, have changed all that. And […]
Fishing Platforms: Access for Anglers
A few years ago, headed downriver from Maupin, I stopped to check out a platform that had been built out over the Deschutes River. While I stood there looking down at the water, a fellow pulled up in an old pickup and began to assemble his tackle. Mere months before, an uninsured, unlicensed drunk driver […]
Mosquitoes – Go Prepared or Go Crazy
A cougar screamed at us as we walked home in the dark one night along the Kalama river. I’ve encountered black bears at less than ten yards – one stealing honey from bees, another standing on her hind legs to get a closer look at me. On each occasion I walked carefully away, albeit with […]
Small Game Accuracy for your Blackpowder Big Game Rifle
“Last year, shooters took 40,000 rats out of these fields. We still have too many.” With the rancher’s words ringing in our ears, we followed a dirt track through the alfalfa to the top of the ridge and parked on the skyline. From where we stood, we could see the tops of the Ochocos, surrounding […]
A Little Preparation Goes a Long Way to Keeping Your Hunting Dog Happy
A couple of years ago, I spent a day hunting chukar on a rimrock north of Madras. An early season hunt, we were all a little out of shape. The dog most of all. Confined to a backyard for the summer, the extra pounds she carried were slowing her down. By the end of the […]
Hunting for Antler Sheds Provides Clues to Trophy Deer and Elk
After a climb represented by a change of four contour lines on our topo map we leveled out on top. The afternoon was slipping into evening as we tried to get our bearings. Jon had spent hours going over the maps to find this magic place. A spot where small meadows, tall timber and snow […]
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