CategoryGear | The Consummate Outdoorsman, Gary Lewis, Shares His Insights

Holiday Gift Ideas for Outdoors-Types

December 5th, 2018

Holiday gift ideas for outdoors-types By Gary Lewis They crossed the Blue Mountains, they floated the mighty Columbia and portaged around Celilo, they carved pathways like the Barlow Road and the Applegate Trail. And they settled in places like Oregon City, Salem and Eugene City. “We went down Laurel Hill like shot off of a […]

Safari Post 4: Living on the Edge

July 24th, 2014
Hyena Track

There are a lot of reasons to take a knife. One hunter said he only used a blade at the dinner table. Another used a knife and his fire starter to build a fire when his PH and trackers left him alone with the carcass of a buffalo. In the dark of that night, he […]

Safari Post 2: Knives in Checked Luggage

July 23rd, 2014
Hunting Knives

When taking knives on safari, the biggest danger to the collection is in transit from airport to airport. Knives, of course, are not allowed in carry-on bags in the passenger compartment. Instead, they should be stored away in a suitcase or in a duffel bag with a lock. The best bet is to lock knives […]

Optics Voodoo

November 19th, 2013
Rifle Scope Technology

It is well that rifle scopes are such marvels of engineering. There are but few hunters in this world that really know anything about the design and manufacture of the expensive tubes atop their favorite rifles. Those of us who miss a shot from time to time have little experience with the grinding of lenses, […]

Beauty Tips for Beater Bolt-Actions

September 9th, 2013
Caring for your bolt action hunting rifle

It rides in his truck, a beat-up bolt-action well older than Lee Sandberg’s 27 years. Chambered in 22-250, the Remington is topped with a Cabela’s scope and Weaver rings. Relegated to the role of a working rifle, it is close to hand in case Sandberg needs to dispatch a coyote that threatens his flock.

Favorite Lures

July 7th, 2013
Best Fishing Lures

Largemouth Bass It’s no secret that bass grow big when they can feed on hatchery trout. A bass can easily cream a trout up to one-third its own size. A couple of years ago, Lucky Craft Lures entered the premium swimbait market with the Real Bait Premium Trout line and they became a favorite. These […]

Mr. Nosler on Long Guns and Long Shots

October 25th, 2012
Long Distance Hunting with John Nosler

By John Nosler, as told to Gary Lewis Early in the morning we skirted the edge of a grain field and waited for the fog to lift. With my field glasses, I spotted a deer on the far side, a blacktail prospecting for uncut shoots and fallen seed heads. While we watched, the buck moved […]

Gearbag: Field-Tested Fly Tackle

June 25th, 2011
Fly Fishing in Oregon

We finished upland bird season last week at Wild Winds Ranch in Grass Valley. Cheryl Shaver of Prineville bagged her first pheasant. My oldest, Tiffany, downed her first pheasant in a long time. We walked back along the water and I saw a fish rise near the shore. Just for a situation like this, I […]

Win a Limited Edition Hunting Knife
Announcing the Award Winning Fishing Central Oregon